Friday, June 22, 2012

Alexis Date with Mommy and Daddy

Once a month we take Alexis out to do something with just her, Mommy and Daddy for a date. Kaylee gets to spend time with Grandma and Papa while we are gone. Alexis sure loves this time. I am so thankful that we get to have 1 on 1 time with her. We asked her what she wanted to do for June's date and she said bowling! This was her 2nd time going and loved it! The little girl next to us was using a ramp for the ball so we got Alexis one too and she thoughT it was the coolest! LOL After bowling we grabbed some yummy Chipotle and then headed back to pick up Kaylee. After our dates Alexis is so excited to see her sister, which makes it so speical to see her miss her sister. (I know this time will change in the future)

Alexis trying out the ramp. She had to have the bright orange ball. LOL
Alexis stood in front of the fan after each turn she had. She saw Matt putting his hands over it so she had to copy him and blow her hair.

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