Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Professional Photo Shoot At Home

Ever since we talked about having kids I have always wanted to have a professional photographer come to our house for newborn pictures. With Alexis the first month few by and we didnt get her professional pictures done until she was a month old and we went to a studio. With your 1st kiddo you have so much on your mind that this idea of photos slipped by. When I became pregnant with Kaylee I told Matt I would love for a photographer to come to our house the first few weeks after I have Kaylee. This time I was more relaxed and had a photographer who did my friends wedding come over when Kaylee was 14 days old. The pictures turned out EXACTLY as I dreamed. I LOVE them so much!! If you are looking for a wonderful photographer call up Evalani at Timeless Keepsake Photographer. She was wonderful!! She spent 3 hours at our house which was wonderful with the girls taking breaks for snacks and comfortable for both of them being at home. Enjoy the pictures!!
Kaylee 14 days old.
Alexis 3 years old.
Love these girls!
My zebra girl!
My favorite picture of Kaylee.
She is so tiny!!
Big sister/little sister shirts.
Alexis is a wonderful big sis!
Such a cute little sister.
Kaylee's little feet. These will grow to quick I just know it!
Mommy and Daddy's wedding rings with Kaylee's little feet.
Family of 4!
Sweet little Kaylee sleeping in a basket. LOVE this!!
Look at that cute little smile and open eye. She melts my heart!

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