Friday, August 17, 2012

A day at the aquarium with friends!

The other day we met Alexis' friends Zachary and Topher at the aquarium. They had a blast running around the aquarium checking out all the fish. I wish I had half their energy!
 Here are the kiddos at the beginning of the aquarium. They let me snap this quick pic of them before they ran off to the sting rays.
 Sorry the picture is dark, there wasn't much light. Alexis was standing in front of the big fish tank.
 Sisters checking out the big turtle and sharks in the huge tank.
 Zachary, Alexis with her baby sister Kaylee and Topher holding his baby brother, Gabe. We already have a prearranged marriage for Kaylee and Gabe LOL. Can you tell Gabe is already interested in Kaylee? Zachary will be able to hold his new brother or sister in February!! We are so excited for the Lujan family!!
While the mommy's were chatting on the grass the kids were busy jumping in puddles and getting their new shoes all muddy. Next time we might want to check to see what they are doing on the other side of the planters.
Dirty, dirty shoes!
Alexis checking out the butterflies in the butterfly pavilion.

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