Monday, August 13, 2012

Fun With My Girls

As school gets back into session I really count my blessings for being able to stay home with my girls. Each day is an adventure I look forward to. I love watching my girls grow closer each and every day. 
 Kaylee watching her big sister play. Kaylee LOVES tummy time. Whenever I place her on her stomach she perks her head up and looks around. Alexis on the other hand HATED tummy time. It's so crazy how different two kids can be.
 Alexis got Kaylee a book to read during tummy time. Fox in Socks was a good read for Kaylee.
 One of MANY matching outfits the girls have.
 Look at this big girl!! Sitting up with the help of the boppy.
 Kaylee having tummy time on her new blanket I got embroidered with her name and birthday on it. I did one for Alexis so I had to make sure Kaylee had one too. Haha
 Love her to pieces!!!
 I sometimes lay a blanket out for Kaylee in my bathroom while I take a shower. Well now big sister loves to join in on the fun. Love the face Alexis!
 Sister hugs!! Kaylee seems hungry for big sisters forehead.
Once again the difference between the girls: Kaylee can't live without her paci. Alexis on the other hand never took a paci.

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