Friday, August 10, 2012

Sisterly Love

Our past week at a glance. I am truly blessed and thankful I get to spend each and every day with my girls!! Thanks to my wonderful, hard working husband for giving me the opportunity to be a stay at home mom! Love you babe!
 Sisters hanging out before bed time.
 Watch out!! Sisters out for a joy ride!
 Kaylee LOVES seeing herself in the mirror. During tummy time she could smile at herself for hours.
 All dressed up for a play date with Big Sisters friends.
 My big girl ready to go over to her friends house for a play date with her buddies.
 These toes are super yummy!
 Kaylee can't live without this paci.
 Kaylee really enjoys watching her big sister do her preschool workbook. We are preparing her early.
 Alexis wants to hold her little sister all the time. Kaylee is such a trooper for allowing her big sister to hold her.
Alexis showing off her new shoes for soccer.

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