Sunday, September 2, 2012

Isotopes Baseball Game!

With summer coming to an end that means Isotope baseball will be ending we decided to go see a game this Labor Day weekend. Alexis wanted to support her Red Sox's (Big Uncle and Auntie Liz are HUGE fans). Doesn't she look adorable?!
She wanted me to take this picture and send it to Big Uncle (my older brother Chris). She really idolizes him.
All Kaylee wants to do lately is stand up. Umm you are only 4 1/2 months old girl you still have a while until you can walk LOL
The loves of my life hanging out at the baseball game!
It was Alexis' friend, Zachary's 3rd birthday so we met up at the game so the kids could play together. So Grandma took them on the merry go round.
Alexis loving life on her white horse!
These two are best buddies!

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