Sunday, October 7, 2012

Family Time

Family means the world to me! I love spending every minute I can with my wonderful family. We are truly blessed our daughters get to be raised with both sets of grandparents and one uncle in town. I love seeing the bond our girls have with their family. 
Kaylee and Grandma playing together.
Since my Papa passed away in April, my Nana moved to El Paso to live with my Aunt and Uncle. We have missed her dearly and everyone was very excited to hear she was coming to visit! Alexis LOVES playing with Nana and was very excited for Nana to get into town. Here is Alexis and Nana playing in the sand at Grandma and Papa's house.
Kaylee sure loves her Auntie's.
Auntie Ashley and Kaylee at breakfast.
Auntie Ashley is very special to the girls.
Nana and Alexis playing on their IPads.
Alexis LOVED having Nana push her on the swing. Nana is very special to Alexis and she misses her a lot since she moved to El Paso.
Nana and her 2 great granddaughters.
Alexis and Nana creating a farm with Alexis' new farm set.
Grandma always has the special touch with putting Kaylee to sleep.
Alexis and Grandma enjoying some root beer floats. 
 4 generations!!!
4 generations of hands.

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