Sunday, August 25, 2013

Farm Camp

Once again I am very far behind on blogging, but I am here to try to catch up slowly.

I will begin with one fun thing we did this summer. We signed Alexis up for a camp at the farm at the Botantical Gardens. It was a 7 week camp every Tuesday for a couple hours in the morning. I enjoyed some quality one on one time with Alexis and loved every minute of it. Each week they focused on a specific farm animal and was able to visit the animal at the barn, participate in an activity related to the animal and created an art project. I tried to take pictures each week, but of course there were so many so I just picked a few to share below. Enjoy!
1st day of Farm Sprouts camp. Alexis is ready in her new t shirt.
On the first day each child was given a vegetable to plant in the children's garden and extra seeds to take home and plant. Alexis planted pumpkins and was very excited to watch them grow each week. We have been watching our pumpkins at home and noticed the other day we have 2 pumpkins!! We hope they will continue to grow and be ready for Halloween.
Alexis' buddy, Zachary also signed up for the camp. They had a good time during camp with each other.
Every day Alexis was excited to do the art projects. I think we have a little artist on our hands. Alexis LOVES creating anything to do with art. 
Every morning upon arrival, each child was required to complete their "farm chores". Here is Alexis water the flowers. Some other chores were: sweeping inside and outside, collecting eggs, mending the garden and laundry.
Alexis having fun doing her chores.
Ms. Ann, Farm Sprouts teacher, helping Alexis do laundry.
Another day, another art project.
Alexis and her goat!
Throughout the camp I had various people watch Kaylee. Matt took a couple days off, my wonderful brother watched her a couple times and our great friend Veronica spent a day with Kaylee. One day Matt joined Alexis at Farm camp and I spent the morning with Kaylee. After camp we joined Matt and Alexis for a picnic lunch. It was such a nice more for both Matt and I to have one on one time with the girls.

I was very impressed with this camp and hope to sign Alexis up again next summer.

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