Sunday, April 29, 2012

A day at the zoo

On Sunday we had a family day at the zoo. Grandma and Papa met us there too! It was Kaylee's first trip at 2 weeks old and she slept the entire time. It was so much fun having time with Alexis and just focusing on her.
Grandma and Alexis checking out the flamingos.
1st family picture of 4 at the zoo. I am so blessed with such an amazing family.
Papa and Alexis checking out the turtles. Alexis though it was funny to watch them walk so slow.
Kaylee decided to wake up at lunch time!
Alexis and Kaylee waiting in line to ride the train. Can you tell Alexis was super excited to go on the train?
Family picture on the train. This was Kaylee's 1st train ride!
Alexis playing "Ring Around the Rosie" with the tree trunk.

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