Thursday, May 3, 2012

Fun times with the girls

Over the past week I have just been snapping pictures of the girls. Enjoy!
Kaylee hanging out after eating.
Kaylee all dressed up for her newborn pictures.Can you see the smile on her face? Love it!!
Sisters matching in one of many outfits!! We had a photographer come to our house the other day to take newborn pictures of Kaylee, sister pictures of the girls and family pictures. I have always wanted to do these so I am excited to see how the pictures turned out. Both the girls did so well!! Aren't they adorable?!
I love her face in this picture.She must be having a good dream.
Alexis holding her baby sister with her buddy Caelum.
Caelum wanted to hold Kaylee too!
Nap time in her big girl crib. At night Kaylee sleeps in a bassinet next to me so I can hear every move she makes. During the day I try to put her in her crib for naps so she has more room to move around. She LOVES her bed and sleeps so well.
Alexis is such a great big sister. She wants to hold Kaylee anytime she gets. I can tell these two girls will have a special bond. Best friends for sure!
Kaylee loves her swing time.
2 weeks old already!! Wow time has flown by that's for sure!
Sisters hanging out after big sisters soccer game!
I had to stick this picture in. Matt has been wanting to get his jeep working for awhile. Finally he got a gas tank and got the thing running. I am so happy he can now go out with his friends and go off roading.
Kaylee in the Moby wrap. She loves hanging out close to Mommy and Mommy loves the snuggle time.
Daddy and his girls hanging out watching tv. The 3 loves of my life!!
Kaylee hanging out at the zoo. I LOVE her socks from Uncle Chris and Auntie Liz. They look like flip flops and have toes with painted toe nails. So adorable!
Little sister snoozing in her swing.
Kaylee was not a happy camper in this picture and Alexis has a crazy smile on her face!!
Alexis loves to help clean the house. The other day she wanted to vacuum Grandma's house. She did such a great job!!She is hired.
The best feeling in the world is having her baby snuggle on your chest.
Little sister in her bib Big sister bought for her.
Silly girl was sleeping with her hands behind her head.
I don't know how this is comfortable.
Alexis loving on her baby sister.
Kisses for baby sister.

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