Saturday, April 14, 2012

Kaylee Ann is born!!

On April 14th I woke up at 1:45 am with the start of contractions. I wasn't sure if they were the real things or fake contraction also known as Braxton Hicks. So I laid in bed until 2:30 am with contractions coming every 13 minutes and decided they were the real things. I woke Matt up to tell him I think I was in labor, but not far enough to go to the hospital quite yet. Around 5 am I called my mom to tell her I was in labor and that we needed to meet up so she could take Alexis and the dogs so we could head to the hospital. Our place to meet was the Lowe's parking lot which was the exact same place we met her when I was in labor with Alexis to give her our dogs. Once we dropped Alexis and the dogs off to my parents, Matt and I headed to Lovelace hospital. I got checked in and they wanted to observe me for an hour before they admitted me. At this point it was 6:30 and my contractions were 8-10 minutes apart. The midwife checked me at 8 o clock and I was 4 cm and she decided to admit me because we were going to have a baby today!! My parents, brothers, sister in law, Alexis, Matt's parents, Nana and Aunt Terry arrived at the hospital and were anxiously waiting for Kaylee to arrive. They had me walk the halls for a couple hours to progress my labor more. I decided this time around I wanted to try to go natural again since I knew I could since I did with Alexis. So far so good. I thought to myself I can handle this pain naturally so hopefully I can continue to work through it. At 11:00 am the midwife checked me again and I was 5 cm and my water still hadn't broke. She wanted me to walk some more and then if it hadn't broke she would break it for me. At 2:00  she checked me again and I was 7 cm and she broke my water. I went from 7 cm to 10 cm in just 20 minutes and then it was time to push!!! This is when the pain became a lot more stronger so I was more than ready to push since I was still doing this all natural.I pushed for only 6 times and then we heard Kaylee's first cry!!! It brought tears to my eyes I couldn't believe she was finally here!! For the delivery of Kaylee along with Matt I wanted to have my mom in the room and I was lucky enough that my Nana wanted to stay as well. 4 generations were in the room such a special day!! Kaylee was born at 2:49 pm weighing 8lb 3oz and was 21 inches long. Once I had Kaylee in my arms and we were ready for visitors I wanted Alexis to be the first to come in the room to see her baby sister. Once they opened the door for her to join us she had a HUGE smile on her face and she ran in the room right over to Kaylee andwante d to hold her right away. It was such a special moment to have with my daugthers! We welcomed the rest of the crew in to meet Kaylee: Papa, Big Uncle, Auntie Liz, Little Uncle, Aunt Terry, Oma and Opa. We are truly blessed with such an amazing family!! Enjoy the pictures of Kaylee's first day with us!
Papa, Grandma, Auntie Liz, Alexis and Big Uncle in the waiting room at the hospital.
The entire crew. Luckily there weren't many women in labor because our families took up the entire waiting room. Left to right: Nana, Aunt Terry, Auntie Liz, Alexis, Big Uncle, Little Uncle, Papa, Opa, Oma and Grandma.
Alexis hanging out while Mommy was in labor.
Last picture of a family of 3. Kaylee is on her way to join us!!
My wonderful Nana and I hanging out in the room.
Aunt Terry and I. I was so glad she was in town for this special day!
My wonderful sister in law, Liz, so happy she was also in town for Kaylee's birth.
Oma, Opa and I early in labor cause I have a smile on my face.
I don't know where I would be without these two girls!! Love them both so much.
My big bro was in town too to see his niece. He has been someone I always looked up to so it was extra special for him to be there for me.
This is one amazing man!! I wouldn't be who I am today without my Dad. He is one amazing Papa!
Only big sister get M&M's early in the morning. LOL
Right after Kaylee was born and put on my chest!! This is the moment in life that you can't explain. It's truly a miracle.
Family of 4!!! I love my family soooo much.
Alexis checking out her sister for the first time. She was asking Nana many questions about her baby sister.
This picture is PRICELESS!!! I think she loves her Baby Kaylee.
Grandma getting to hold Kaylee for the first time. 
This is one proud Papa!! Papa holding his second granddaughter.
Opa holding Kaylee for the first time. He is one proud grandpa!
Oma and her two granddaughters. Alexis and Kaylee are lucky to have such a wonderful grandma.
Big Uncle and Auntie Liz such a special moment for them to be here for Kaylee since they live in NH.
Little Uncle holding Kaylee. So happy he was able to be there!
Daddy and his new baby girl!! He is one proud Daddy of 2 girls!!
I cry every time I see this picture. I am truly blessed with such a wonderful family!!
Daddy and big sister talking to Baby Kaylee. Alexis could hold her all day if we let her.
All nice and clean after her 1st bath at the hospital.
All clean and swaddled for our night in the hospital.
Big sister had to come back 1st thing in the morning to hold baby sister again. I love her smile!!
Mommy and her girls!!
My favorite picture of the 2 girls!! One of many matching outfits these girls will have!!
Best friends forever!!!
Little sister taking a snooze after our visitors left.
Zachary came to meet Alexis' baby sister and brought gifts and yummy donuts!!!
Tanya cuddling with Kaylee.
All dressed and ready to go home!!
Alexis hanging out with baby sister before we got discharged from the hospital. And yes Alexis is still wearing her big sister shirt the next day! Luckily she has a few big sister shirts to wear.
Mommy, Kaylee and Alexis all ready to go home!
Family picture before we left the hospital.
Kaylee all set in her car seat ready to head to her new home. 
Our girls are all loaded up in the car ready to head home!

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