Friday, June 15, 2012

El Paso Visit

When my Papa passed away in April my Nana decided to move to El Paso to live with my Aunt Terry and her family. We were very sad to see her go, but very happy for her new adventure in life. With Father's Day coming up and being the 1st Father's Day for my mom without her dad we decided to take a trip down to El Paso to visit Nana and the rest of our family. My mom and I left on Thursday with the girls and Matt and my dad came down on Friday after work. The drive down was pretty tough for Kaylee because she wanted to be held and didn't like her car seat, but we finally made it!! Alexis has been counting down the days until she got to see Nana. When Nana and Papa lived in ABQ we were able to see them often and Alexis LOVED going over to visit. With Nana being 4 hours away Alexis didn't understand why we couldn't go visit as often. When we arrived in El Paso Alexis and Kaylee were more than ready to get out and stretch.Enjoy the pictures of our wonderful weekend.
Kaylee and Nana hanging out together.
Aunt Terry and Nana had crafts for Alexis to do. She had a blast decorating a purse Nana bought her.
Alexis is LOVING the crafts. All I can say is thank you Aunt Terry for not worrying about the mess this kid can make! LOL
Nana helping Alexis decorate her purse. Alexis sure misses her time with Nana. I guess we will just be making many trips to El Paso!
Girls out for lunch. Yummy Five Guys!!
When we 1st went to El Paso with Alexis she was 4 months old and took a bath in Aunt Terry's sink, so I had to recreate the bath for Kaylee too.
Scrubbing away! Alexis thought it was funny to see Kaylee in the sink.
Kaylee sure loves bath time even if it's in a sink.
Grandma was waiting with a nice warm towel. I don't know where I would be without my mom!
Alexis is one healthy girl. She loves her fruit and blueberries are her favorite.
Alexis showing off her purse she made with Nana and Aunt Terry.
Alexis and Nana getting ready to go to the airport to pick up Auntie Ashley and Kyle. 
Kaylee loved being held by Nana. These pictures are priceless!!
Kaylee smiling at Nana. We sure love Nana and miss her TONS~!
4 generations! I have many pictures of 4 generations  with my Nana, my mom, me and Alexis so we had to make sure to start them with Kaylee too.
LOL Nana has joined the IPad world and loves her Angry Birds. Love the shades and hat Nana!!
After a shopping trip to the Dollar Store, Alexis and Nana had a blast with the animal capsules. After you put the animal capsules in water they grow into different farm animal sponges. Alexis and Nana spent all afternoon guessing the animals.
Waiting and watching the animals grow.
My mom, Nana and Aunt Terry showing off their IPad's. What is wrong with this picture? All the older women have newer technology!! Alexis and I are working on Matt getting us one soon :)
Alexis and her silly laugh. Love this girl to pieces!!
Kaylee hanging out in El Paso and enjoying all the attention.
Grandma, Kaylee, Alexis and Nana swinging outside. So special that my girls get to know such wonderful women in their life!!
Horses, horses and more horses!! Alexis' dream life!
Alexis could totally be a country girl. My Uncle and Aunt's neighbor have donkey's who they feed every weekend. When it was dinner time Alexis got to feed them. She carried the hay all by herself and laid it out for them. This continued to be Alexis' job all weekend and she loved it.
Feeding the little guy.
Look at that smile on her face!! Can you tell she is loving life?
My wonderful Uncle set up a private horseback riding lesson for Alexis with their neighbor. I was a little nervous at first because of how shy Alexis is I didn't know if she would do it or not. Well to my surprise she did it and was a pro!! She got right up on the horse and didn't hesitate at all. Looking at her you would have thought she has been on horses her entire life. I was so proud of her!! I guess my next step is finding her horseback riding lessons to do now.
Alexis is all set and ready to ride!
Leading the horse down the street. Alexis had a smile on her face the entire time.
Alexis watching the horse on the other side. She was very worried about him and wanted him next her to during the lesson.
Snack time for the horse! Alexis kept asking why he was eating the grass. LOL
Picture time! I had this picture enlarged to a 16x20 and plan to hang it in Alexis' room. Such a great one of her.
At the end of the lesson Alexis didn't want to get off the horse. She could have rode her all day long.
Alexis watching the lady take the saddle off the horse. She watched every move and wanted to learn all about caring for the horse.

Ashley and Kyle got married in March and Alexis was their flower girl and I had the honor of being a bridesmaid. On Saturday they were coming back from their honeymoon so we thought it would be fun to make signs and pick them up at the airport.
Alexis working on her sign for Auntie Ashley.
We are all ready at the airport to surprise Auntie Ashley and Kyle coming home from their honeymoon.
Surprise!!! Welcome home!!
Alexis showing her sign she made just for Auntie Ashley.
Auntie Ashley meeting Kaylee for the first time. It was so sad she wasn't there for her birth. Ashley had to head back home on Friday, April 13th and Kaylee decided to enter the world hours after Ashley left.
Auntie Ashley and the girls. Alexis looks up to Ashley and thinks she is so much fun to play with.

Thank you to Uncle Gary, Aunt Terry and Nana for opening your home to us and for such a wonderful weekend. We are so happy to spend time with you all and look forward to another trip soon. Love you all!!

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