Saturday, June 2, 2012

Fun at the Zoo!!

Our friends, The King Family, had their son, Aiden's 2nd birthday at the zoo. We were a little bit late to the party due to Alexis having soccer, but we got there in time for cake and to check out some animals. Alexis had a great time. I take her to the zoo quite often during the week, but its always special to go on the weekends when Daddy can join too. 
Alexis and Daddy feeding the fish and ducks in the pond area.
Alexis thought it was funny to see the fish all gather by her to get the food she was throwing in the water.
Mommy and Kaylee hanging out while Alexis and Daddy were checking out the gorillas.
Kaylee loves the front pack. This is what she did the entire time at the zoo. So cute!!
Daddy and Alexis checking out the elephants. She loved walking around the zoo with Daddy and showing him all the animals. I think since we go so much she could give a tour by herself. LOL
Mommy and my girls. I can't imagine life without them!!

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