Saturday, September 8, 2012

Happy Birthday to Mommy!

I had such a wonderful birthday this year. I think they get better and better. I have such wonderful friend and family to share my day with. 
 On Thursday my friends planned a wonderful dinner at Flying Star to celebrate the big 28. It was such a fun girls night out with my wonderful friend and momma! Thank you to everyone for the wonderful gifts and great night of lots of laughs!
 I have been wanting to go to Rebel Donuts since it opened so I thought my birthday morning would be a perfect time to check it out. My wonderful friend, Tanya and her son Zachary (Alexis' BFF) met us there for some yummy donuts!! Alexis and I enjoyed the birthday cake donut, which was amazing!! I also had to splurge and by a dozen to take home and share with Matt.
 Mommy and Alexis ready for some donuts (the sun ruined this picture).

 My girls and I are ready for my birthday dinner at Hayashi, a Japanese restaurant where they cook in front of you. I am truly blessed with two beautiful girls.
 Family photo time at dinner.
 Matt's mom (we missed his dad who was out of town on business) and my parents joined us for a wonderful dinner.

Alexis is ready to eat with her chopsticks. She LOVED watching the guy cook her dinner in front of her. I love watching her really enjoy things as she gets older.

Thank you to everyone for such a wonderful birthday! I truly had an amazing day.

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