Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Last Swim of the Summer

With the summer coming to an end we thought we would have one last swim day! We planned to take the girls to our community center pool, but as we were getting ready to leave Matt noticed water leaking from our ceiling in the kitchen!!! Well to our surprise the toliet of all this was leaking from Alexis' bathroom upstairs. Since Matt needed to get the leak under control we decided to stay home and let the girls swim in Alexis' frog pool. Matt got the leak fix and the girls had fun in the pool. We still have a nice hole in our ceiling, but at least there is no more water dripping!
Alexis and Kaylee ready for a day of swimmming.
Sweet little Kaylee in big sister's swimsuit. I love that I get to resuse Alexis' clothes, but I know Kaylee will not like it when she gets older.

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