Monday, October 15, 2012

Balloon Fiesta

I was a little worried we wouldn't make it to the balloon fiesta this year. We missed the first weekend because we were busy so we thought we would go Thursday night for the balloon glow well that was cancelled due to the wind. Our next thought was to get up early and go on Friday for the special shapes and once again that was cancelled due to rain. Our next hope was Saturday morning which turned out to be picture perfect!

Alexis and I hanging in a gondola at the balloon glow.
Love my sweet girl!
Since the balloon glow was cancelled and the fireworks were still a go we let the kids run around the balloon park. They liked running in circles and then falling down. These two are so cute together!
Yea!! The weather finally cooperated!! This is bright and early Saturday morning!
Kaylee wants to know why we are up so early?!
Daddy and his girls watching a balloon being blown up.
Mommy and my girls! Love these girls SOOOO much!
Kaylee had the best seat! All warm and cozy with Momma.
Family picture time!
Daddy and Alexis checking out the rainbow balloon.
This is my favorite picture!! She looks so tiny!
I am so lucky to have these two girls as my daughters.
Elephant doing a headstand. Alexis thought this was funny.
The 3 bumble bees!! These are my favorite!
This was Alexis' favorite balloon. She loved seeing it lift off.
Grandma and Papa met us at the balloon fiesta too!
Another family photo. Poor Kaylee was snoozing.
It was too early for Kaylee.
I guess this must be comfortable for her to sleep.
This balloon was of a little boy in a wheel chair. When Alexis saw it she said "Mommy, that's like Baby Papa (she called my Papa, "Baby Papa". He passed away in April)." My Papa was in a a wheel chair and I was very surprised Alexis made the connection between the two. He will never be forgotten :)
My sweet little girl decided to wake up for the end of the fiesta.
Silly Alexis was riding on Daddy's shoulders like she was riding a horse.
Papa and his girls!
Grandma and her girls!
Alexis showing off all the balloon cards she collected from the pilots.
And this is what happens when we got home. We all took a nap and thanks to Daddy for the picture!

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