Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Bedtime Routines

Every night Matt reads a book and puts Alexis to bed while I put Kaylee to bed. Well the past 2 nights Kaylee has decided she doesn't want to go to bed in her crib she wants to sleep with big sister. While I was trying to rock Kaylee to sleep she was crying really hard so I took her in to Alexis' room to listen to the book Matt was reading and she instantly stopped crying. Once Matt was done reading the book I laid down with Alexis and Kaylee and they book feel asleep in 5 minutes. It was too cute seeing Kaylee wanting to be with her big sister. I love the bond they already have. 
 The girls together in Alexis' bed.
 My sweet little girl wanting to be with her big sister.
 Alexis had a long day can you tell?
 This picture is AMAZING!! My dream has come true!! I have 2 amazing girls.

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